
FAWN is a safe place where clients conquer negative beliefs about their image, and open new doors to possibility, authenticity, and a joy in who they are, and how they want to radiate in the world.

F.ashion A.nalysis

F.ashion A.nalysis


FAWN offers an array of FASHION ANALYSIS treatments.

Together we can…

  • Define your personal style by creating a signature look that reflects who you truly are!

  • Learn to embrace the body you are in RIGHT NOW. Celebrate and honour your shape by discovering what silhouettes make you feel powerful. Our bodies change, and sometimes that’s what creates our negative relationship with our clothes. Our bodies need our minds to change with them.

  • Discuss the tricks and give you tools to ensure you stay confident in your new style relationship making getting dressed simple and FUN!

  • Re-imagine what you already have. Your dream style could be right there in your closet… you just need an expert friend to help you bring life to it again.

  • Discover what colours make you shine while making you feel confident and authentic. The colours we wear can lift us up or bring us down. Let’s create your unique colour palette and learn how to infuse it into your wardrobe in the most beautiful and flattering way. You can wear any colour that brings you joy, it’s just learning how.

  • Play with Jewelry! Gold? Silver? Rose Gold? Earrings? Necklace? bracelets. What sparkle catches your eye? Accessories have the power to complete a look, bring out the glow in your skin and enhance your over all silhouette.

W.ardrobe N.eeds

W.ardrobe N.eeds


FAWN offers an array of WARDROBE NEEDS treatments.

Together we can…

  • Shop and Curate your existing closet! Yes, we can go through piece by piece and decide what is worth fawning over and which pieces need to move on to a new home. Out with the old pieces that make you feel less than your ideal self!

  • Create outfits from your existing wardrobe. Let me be your your set of eyes! I’ll help you re-create and re-imagine your wardrobe and you’ll see pieces you’ve loved but given up on come to life!

  • Let me shop WITH you! Whether you need the perfect pair of jeans or a whole new wardrobe, together we will shop local or online. I’ll give you the royal treatment! All you have to do is relax in the dressing room and I will come to you with pieces curated personally for your wardrobe.

  • Let me Shop FOR you. You relax at home and i’ll put in the steps. Whether you’re longing for statement pieces through unique vintage finds, or desiring name brands at a fraction of the price. Let me save you time! I’ll find them and build you a wardrobe of pre-loved gems at a fraction of the price… sustainable & mother nature friendly OR we can be naughty and find you the brand new stunning pieces you’ve been drooling over.

  • Flatter with the finishing touches. Lets focus on the little things… accessories. I mean, with the right hat…nothing else matters, right?

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself”



  1. “I am ready for a change. Nothing I wear feels good ” - STYLING

  2. “I can’t find anything in my closet! It’s so full I give up and wear the same thing everyday.” - GET ORGANIZED

  3. “I’ve started a new job and I’m nervous. I’m not sure my image fits it” - STYLING

  4. “I’m online for my job now and worried about how I come across to clients and colleagues” - COMMUNICATION COACHING

  5. “I love my wardrobe, but I’m terrible at putting outfits together” - GET ORGANIZED

  6. ”I have a party coming up and I want something different and fun”- FAWN PARTIES

  7. “My clothes always look terrible off the hanger and from my drawers” - GET ORGANIZED

  8. “I want to know what colors look good on me?” -STYLING

  9. ”My body shape has changed and I don’t know how to dress it?” - STYLING

  10. “I know the wardrobe pieces I long for but I can't afford them” - PERSONAL SHOPPING

  11. “I hate shopping, but I want new clothes” - PERSONAL SHOPPING

  12. “I’m throwing a bachelorette party” - FAWN PARTIES

  13. “I like my wardrobe but i’m not sure if certain pieces look good on me” - GET ORGANIZED

  14. “I don’t know who I am anymore and my style reflects that”- STYLING or GET ORGANIZED

  15. “I’m newly in the dating world… help” -STYLING, COMMUNICATION COACHING

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client lookbooks