"Through a deep client connection and a focus on sustainability, together we reimagine and rebuild your wardrobe with a goal of enriched self expression."

My Journey to FAWN

photo by kevin clark

I have always loved fashion.

When I was four, I would wander around my house opening every drawer and closet door to see what magical frock I might find. When I turned eleven, it became 100% clear to me that I would have a career in the arts… “I mean, actors dress up!”. At fourteen, I wore power suits, pantyhose and kitten heels to high school… I wish I was kidding. When sweet sixteen hit, I shed my sharp lines and found myself drawn towards florals and bohemian inspired cuts. When my twenties began so did my love affair with all things vintage, but it took my thirties to truly find my signature style; classic lines with a side of adventure. A pencil skirt with a funky tee, or a distressed pair of jeans with a white silk top and vintage jacket. High-Low some may call it. Through my relationship with fashion, I have stayed true to several aspects, bringing forward a love from each reinvention. Just like in life, if we fight to hold on to the positive lessons then we can continue to grow and be enriched by our past.

My goal with FAWN is to create a safe place so you can rediscover your relationship with your style and your body.

Being a theatre artist for over 20 years (yes, my eleven year old self was right) I have shared intimate space with hundreds of different people. I have had countless heart to hearts about what others wanted to project through their style. We are telling a story through our style and as an artist, my job is to find the truth because the best storytelling is AUTHENTIC. Using this philosophy, I began styling, shopping for others, spending time curating and decluttering closets and developing my treatments. As I gathered more clients and interest, it was clear I needed to take it to the next level.

But, what did that look like?

Firstly, I started to think about the experience I want my clients to have. I love to go to the spa don’t you? Whether receiving a facial, a pedicure, or a new haircut, I revel in that moment where I allow myself to be pampered. Whenever I walk through the doors of a spa, I exhale. I exhale and choose to give myself time… time and self care.

I LOVE THAT MOMENT and I want to provide that experience for people.

So, I created FAWN.

F.ashion A.nalysis / W.ardrobe N.eeds

The FAWN treatments are an opportunity to give yourself the ultimate gift of self care. Whether you are curious about what colours look good on you, your closet needs organization, your confidence needs a boost, or you want a full style overhaul… I am here.


I cannot recommend SJ's talents and services enough. Suddenly opening the closet door has become an adventure.

— Carmen. G


“Being styled by SJ was a breath of fresh air. She took the time and care to learn about my individual aesthetic, and made me feel so unbelievably confident in the looks she created for me.”



“I’m walking through the world with new sass in my step! Thank-you SJ & FAWN”

— Rebecca. N


SJ is my fashion touchstone. She has such an amazing eye for style and quality and she seems to have a sixth sense when it comes to knowing what will work for my body shape and colouring.”

—Nicola. B

“I love clothes and fashion, but was struggling to find my style on my post baby body. See has a keen enthusiastic eye and not only found me pieces to compliment my wardrobe but helped me love pieces I was unsure of and had relegated to the back of my closet. I can’t wait to work with her again! “

— Ijeoma. E


“SJ’s AMAZING! Everything looked and FELT fierce!!! She pulls pieces of clothing for you that you otherwise would never even try on. ”

—Monique. L