“I was feeling extremely lack-lustre about my wardrobe. The idea of looking in the closet and trying to put together an outfit for the day had become not only a miserable chore, but a bit of a nightmare, too. My self-image made me feel depressed, and I'd developed a "why bother?" attitude. There were a lot of sweatpants involved.
For a very modest amount of $, SJ went through an entire process with me.  
First, she encouraged me to start a Pinterest page; a fun way to determine my personal style and tastes. Next, she and I went through each piece of my existing wardrobe, and together we purged my shabby, unhappy closet. Then, she replaced those sad, extracted items with beautiful purchases (ALL second-hand) she made, based on what I pinned to my Pinterest page. Finally, she took those new-to-me items and we created a variety of outfits. 
Suddenly, opening the closet door has become an adventure, and going from just awoke to fully dressed takes less than 15 minutes -- sometimes that includes hair and makeup! I've never thought I looked better, or felt more stylishly confident. Well, not since I was 7 years old, anyway.
Being styled by SJ is like having a ray of sunshine pouring down on you. Her care, attention and positivity leave you feeling warm, nurtured and truly at your best.
I cannot recommend FAWNS treatments enough. Please... if you are feeling dreary, unhappy about your "look," body image or general appearance, contact FAWN today; start your journey toward feeling better & looking great!” 
